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A transformative program designed to promote
mature human connections.

If I am good to myself, I am balanced and able to treat others well.
If I am able to listen to others, then we can cooperate.
If we can work well together, I will achieve my own goals and our common goals.

That is what our program is about.


In the pursuit of resilience within a world governed by new, intricate rules and marked by unpredictability and fragility, global human cooperation emerges as an imperative for which we are not yet fully equipped.


Learning Laboratorie seeks to elevate the quality of human connections within individuals, teams, and organisations. Its ultimate aim is to cultivate a more humane organisational culture characterised by heightened team cohesion, enhanced adaptability to change, and a shared commitment to well-being and success. This synergy yields contented individuals who contribute to the high performance of organisations.


The program is adaptable for integration into talent programmes, leadership development initiatives, organisational mental health enhancement, or for individuals seeking self-improvement.

Happy people in
high-performing organisations


Pillar 01

Connect with yourself

This foundational pillar underscores the significance of self-awareness and introspection. Through reflective practices and exploration of psychological theories, participants delve into their beliefs, emotions, and values, leading to a deeper understanding of themselves and greater fulfillment.


They develop emotional resilience and adeptness in managing workplace conflicts and challenges. Prioritizing personal well-being and growth enhances job satisfaction and happiness. This internal equilibrium translates into improved interpersonal interactions, fostering higher levels of cooperation and collaboration.

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Pillar 02

Connect with others

This pillar focuses on nurturing meaningful relationships and fostering effective interpersonal communication. Participants cultivate empathy and compassion, finding happiness and identity within the organisational context. Proficiency in building relationships is pivotal, especially as organisations often prioritise tasks over personal connections, hindering growth and collaboration.


Strong relationships align everyone towards shared goals, facilitating collective success. Leaders must recognise that success hinges on relationships, as the manner in which we collaborate often shapes outcomes more significantly than the tasks themselves. Hence, fostering positive relationships not only benefits individuals but also optimises organisational effectiveness and high-performance.

Pillar 03

Find meaning

This pillar places purpose at the forefront. Finding meaning in work is essential, as it imbues individuals with a sense of fulfilment. Believing that our work contributes to the world ignites passion and personal drive.


Understanding how our roles align with the organisation's goals fosters daily motivation. In a bottom-up culture evolution, empowered individuals take ownership of their development. This shared motivation engenders proactive organisations, paving the way for high performance.

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Impact levels


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Resilient response to current challenges

Using internal resources effectively

Intrinsic motivation

Developing self-knowledge

Assertive competency set


Acceptance towards each other

Deeper connections

Learning from each other

Getting inspired

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 A caring and supportive organisation

Cross-functional cooperation

Development of  the organisational culture



Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

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dr. Ágnes Jagicza

Leadership Consultant, OD Consultant, Executive Coach PCC, MSc

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Zsuzsanna Györke

Executive Coach PCC, Team Coach,

OD Consultant

coach PCC, Team Coach, OD Consultant


Molnár Béla

sales manager, financial sector

I found the Learning Laboratorie incredibly enriching. The program sparked deep self-reflection and meaningful conversations among participants. I gained practical tools to share with my management team, fostering openness and understanding. The experience was both engaging and transformative, creating connections with others and enhancing my leadership skills. I highly recommend it for personal growth and professional development.

Get in Touch

dr. Ágnes Jagicza 

phone number: +36 20 9819727

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